A Promise is a Promise
Uncertainty in this environment will put your insurance & financial plans to the test. It impacts the ability for Brokers & Agents to keep the promises they make. Now is the time to ensure those you recommend are worthy of your trust.
Please know when you recommend Nicoll Insurance & Financial, you can trust our best, because a promise is a promise.
Our Pledge of Performance
Trusted Choice firms are committed to the planning process and quality service enabling us to offer our clients competitive pricing, a broad choice of top insurance and financial products, and companies unparalleled stewardship and advocacy.
We are dedicated to you and are committed to treating you as a person, with respect, honesty and professional courtesy not just a policy. This commitment means we shall:
Work with you to identify the insurance and financial products and services that are right for you, your family or your business through multiple companies.
Offer a process for prompt and fair resolutions to your service issues.
Help you upgrade as necessary issues related to your coverage or account
Explain the benefits and options available to you thoroughly.
Respond to your phone calls and emails promptly and efficiently.
Provide services for our clients, offering any or all of the following preferred methods: phone and fax, email, voicemail, call center services and limited text.
Commit ourselves to continuing education and proper licensing, so we may be more knowledgeable in serving you, and provide a satisfying conclusion.
Conduct our business with vision, ingenuity and in an ethical and professional manner.
We pledge this to you, our long term customers and clients, and ask that you let us know if there is any doubt if we don't meet our commitment and your satisfaction, so we may take corrective action. We greatly appreciate and will go out of our way to take care of your personal referrals.